Viktor IV Viktor IV

1964 Amsterdam Bols Taverne, Foreign painters in The Netherlands
1965 Amsterdam Galerie 20 D (solo)
1966 New York John Lefebre Gallery (catalogus met tekst van Sandberg)
1970 Amsterdam Galerie 276 (solo)
1977 Amsterdam Prentenkabinet Stedelijk Museum (solo), ‘Who needs the Pacific Ocean?’, Viktor IV and the Second Quality Construction Company. (gelijktijdige publicatie: zie onder keuze publicaties)
1977 Humlebaek, DK Louisiana Museum, deelname aan tentoonstelling Alternativ arkitektur. Publicatie: Louisiana Revy, jrg 17 nr. 3
1982 Kopenhagen Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (solo), Who needs the Pacific Ocean en Bulgar Time, Amsterdam. Publicatie: mapje met briefkaarten
1983 New York OK Harris Gallery (solo)
1983 Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum (solo), Bulgar Time, Amsterdam.  (vouwblad)
1983 Humlebaek (DK) Louisiana Museum (solo), Watches and related drawings
1984 Amsterdam Galerie van der Have, Anton Heyboer en Viktor IV. (Uitnodiging)
1985 Eindhoven Centrum Beeldende Kunst De Krabbedans (met: Huub Niessen, Christine Hamelberg, Bertus Halfwerk en Antwan Klemann)
1988 Amsterdam Museum Fodor (solo), Viktor IV. (gelijktijdige publicatie van boek: zie keuze uit publicaties)
1990 Kopenhagen Rundetårn, Viktor IV, Retrospektiv. Publicatie: begeleidende krant van 8 pagina’s
1993 Amsterdam Total Art (solo), Viktor IV, een overzicht. (vouwblad)
New York Gallery The Time is Always Now (solo), Viktor IV, a retrospective
1996 Amsterdam Galerie Novanta Nove (solo), Viktor IV, The Time is Always Now. (vouwblad)
1998 Kopenhagen Postmuseum (solo), Viktor IV, envelopes. (gelijktijdige publicatie: zie keuze uit publicaties)
1998 Amsterdam Holland Experience (solo), Viktor IV, Pure Amstel River Water. Publicatie met teksten van Jan Six, Barbara Sybille Visser e.a.
2005 Skagen (DK) Galleri Tavi (solo), Viktor IV, Who needs the Pacific Ocean. (gelijktijdige publicatie: zie keuze uit publicaties)
2008 Amsterdam Galerie 59, SBK, Viktor IV, logboekbladen

1965 VICTOR 4. CATALOGUE ONE. ‘4’ PAINTINGS . (Publication under Viktor’s own control)
1977 ‘Who needs the Pacific Ocean’, Viktor IV and the Second Quality Construction Company . Text Ad Petersen. Published by the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 620
1986 The Time is Always Now (a collection of texts, letters and drawings by Viktor IV on the development of the Bulgar Time watches). Published by Art Expo Danmark. ISBN 82-29-12638-6
1988 Viktor IV . Texts by Ad Petersen, Ina Munck, Ed Kienholz et al. Published by Meulenhoff/Landshoff & The Second Quality Construction Company. ISBN 90-290- 8145-7
1998 Viktor IV, envelopes . Text by Ina Elisabeth Munck. Published by Brøndum, Copenhagen, in collaboration with the Postmuseum. ISBN 87-89985-41-9
2005 Viktor IV, Who needs the Pacific Ocean. Published by Gallery Tavi, Skagen (DK), Also a publication of postcards in a booklet, from which they could be torn out
2006 Viktor IV, The Logbooks of the ship Henry David Thoreau (cover with 20 loose-leaf reproductions of logbookpages). Texts by Ina Munck. (Publication under control of Ina Munck)
no year XXXXIV Logbook pages, Viktor IV . Published by Brøndum, Copenhagen. ISBN 87.89985.00.1
2013 Viktor IV, An American in Amsterdam. 2013. Text by Ina Munck. Published by KleArt, Odense, Denmark. ISBN 978-87-92750-08-2